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Native American Beaded Sheath with Crown Antler Knife
Item #: RR865
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Native American Beaded Sheath with Crown Antler Knife in Rebel Relics Strong Condition. This Native American Beaded Sheath with Crown Antler Knife is sinew sewn with both sides beaded. This Plains Indian Knife and Sheath is truly stunning. This set was no doubt carried and in the fight. The crown antler handle has one of the best aged patinas you will ever see. The knife is solid and a picture-perfect example of a 1870s Era Native American Frontier Knife & Beaded Sheath. This Native American Beaded Sheath with Crown Antler Knife is fresh to the market and Rebel Relics Priced. You will hard press to find an antique beaded sheath and knife nicer than this set. Checkout all the images and enjoy.

Text Brian Akins with questions or for faster purchasing ..... 615-7727008

Shipping Weight: 9 lbs
Item # RR865

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